SEO Content Writer Services UK

SEO Content Writer UK

Enhance your website's ranking with my freelance SEO content writing services in the UK. I create high-quality, keyword-optimised content tailored to your business needs. Contact me for engaging and effective SEO content.

SEO Content Writer in the UK

Are you having difficulty attracting new visitors to your website and many of them leave without buying? It’s because of poorly written content on your website and a lack of SEO writing services UK.

Let’s change this!

Or, if you’re about to launch a new WordPress website or eCommerce with WooCommerce, let’s skip this demotivating scenario altogether, shall we?

SEO Content Writer Services UK

Website SEO content writer services in the UK

I can create SEO writer content in the UK for blog posts, product details and descriptions, articles and more…

Product description

Product descriptions should sell as if the customer is right there. I do this + add search engine optimisation to make it more successful on Google.

Text on page

Collection paragraphs, FAQs, rewards language, special announcements, policy pages, legal notices and just about anything with SEO-focused wording.

Company biographies

Shops tend to always see more sales if they have a page with a real, relatable story. Let me create a fantastic story about your brand and your business.

UK SEO Website Content Writer

I’ve been writing SEO content for websites and online shops for over 7+ years and know what I’m doing. My professional copywriting services for eCommerce shops and WordPress corporate websites can impact sales, branding, reputation, customer service emails and more.

The best part is that all my content is written and optimised for search engines.

My SEO content writing services will help you get these visitors to do what you want them to do.

They will read all the information about your company, arrange a meeting, buy a course from you, share an article with their inner circle, write a review and even hire your services.

I work with SMEs, entrepreneurs and WooCommerce stores in different sectors and activities in the UK, Spain and the rest of the world. I help you increase your visibility, attract customers and connect with your audience through keyword targeting and SEO-oriented articles and content.

I’m talking about SEO, but you may be wondering: What is SEO content writer?

SEO content writing is the technique I use to rank my websites and those of my clients among the first results of a search engine organically, that is, without paying the search engine to give you a privileged place. It can also be called: SAVING MONEY 🙂 

SEO is the technique that I implement to get a search engine to raise your website or online shop to the top of its ranking. When I talk about SEO the big search engine is Google, but in reality, you can do SEO on any platform that has a search engine (Amazon, Instagram, LinkedIn, Bing…).

How do you get to the top of Google’s rankings? By guessing what Google’s algorithm likes and giving it to you so that it rewards you with its love. A secret: the search engine, whatever it is, likes everything good for its customers, the users. After all, it lives from them… I can also call it THE END USER EXPERIENCE ( UX ).

And you know what the algorithm likes? Content. But not just any content. It likes FRESH and sometimes technical content.

Think about it, what would a search engine like Google do without content? Nothing. Because Google, where you see it, doesn’t create content, it just ranks it and shows it to its users. The creator is you, your brand, your business (or the web content writer you hire). Without content, search engines disappear.

What does my work as an SEO content writer UK consist of?

Easy to explain… My job is to research and write content for your blog and product categories or collections that respond to the user’s search intent, that is, to generate texts for your website that meet the information needs of the potential customer to capture their attention, attract them to the business and help them move through the sales funnel.

A freelance SEO copywriter or a company that is dedicated to copywriting and SEO can bring different texts to life, the most requested being blog articles, categories and subcategories of an online shop.

What does my work as an SEO copywriter consist of?

As in all professions, every expert has their trick(s). So to answer this question I’ll tell you how I work as a freelance SEO copywriter all over the world, including the UK & Spain.

  • I need to know you and your business: who you are, what your project is, who you are targeting, what you sell, what your goals are… I need to know in-depth what your business does in order to write with results.
  • I am a detective: there are clients who know what they want and ask me directly for specific texts to respond to certain keywords and even provide me with sources of information. Others don’t know what topics to cover and I help them define their SEO text calendar. To do this, I study the keywords, I research the competition, I document… I provide results and reports!
  • I write texts: I create content, texts and articles using SEO writing techniques and always write for the user, not for the machine (this is the key to any text-oriented Google positioning). You will find in Google a lot of copy/paste SEO copywriters that will write your web texts in a MECHANICAL way that not even Google will understand. Stay away if you don’t want to alienate your potential clients!

SEO Content Writing FAQs

If you can’t find the answers you’re looking for about WordPress web design and business in my FAQs, please get in touch with me.

SEO copywriting is the practice of producing keyword-optimized content that’s designed to appeal to human users and search engine algorithms. In other words: SEO copywriting is writing content that Google can understand.

What Is SEO Writing? SEO writing is the process of writing content with the goal of ranking on the first page of search engines like Google. This is achieved by researching relevant keywords and creating optimized content that answers the user’s intent.

An SEO copywriter writes copy that helps boost a website’s search engine rankings. The job is similar to that of an SEO specialist, but they aren’t the same.

Copywriters are responsible for creating effective copy—the text on your website that converts browsers into buyers. These are the words you see in digital ads, billboards, emails, and more. Content writers, on the other hand, create valuable content that engages and informs your audience.

Yes, copywriters can benefit from knowing SEO (search engine optimization) principles. Understanding SEO can help copywriters create content that is more likely to rank well in search engine results, which can increase the visibility and reach of their writing.

SEO content writing is more inclined towards improving the rankings and technical side of the website, whereas SEO copywriting is focused more on converting the generated traffic into leads and bringing more sales conversions.

SEO writing is about using the right words and phrases so that search engines know what your website is about. Content writing is like a story that tells people why they should visit your website. It’s about creating interesting and useful information that people will want to read.

In order for links to be SEO friendly, they should contain keywords relevant to the page’s topic, and contain no spaces, underscores or other characters. You should avoid the use of parameters when possible, as they make URLs less inviting for users to click or share.

WordPress Ad-Hoc Fix Support Services

I just need help with one issue, I don’t need a support subscription, can you still help?

I can! I have a One-time Fix Service available, which assists in a single task. I handle most website tasks or WordPress fixes for a fixed £99 fee. No risk is involved, as I guarantee a full refund if the issue remains unresolved.