Slow WordPress website?

WordPress Speed Optimization UK

Improve your WordPress loading speed with my WordPress web optimization services in the UK.
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WordPress Speed Optimization Service

If you have a WordPress website that loads slowly, you’re losing customers because your site doesn’t load fast enough, look no further! In my WordPress speed optimization service, I focus on speeding up your website to improve user experience and increase conversions.

Do you want to quickly and efficiently improve the loading speed of your WordPress site? I have the solution! My WordPress speed optimization service can significantly improve the speed of your website in just a few days.

Speed up your website by 50% or more!

Improve WordPress Loading Speed Optimization

I’m a WordPress & WooCommerce load speed improvement expert UK with over 10 years of experience and I have helped hundreds of websites to load faster.

Optimise Images

Optimising images enhances website performance, ensuring faster loading times and a seamless user experience.

Reduce CSS and JS

Trimming down CSS and JS files improves website efficiency, leading to quicker load times and a smoother browsing experience.

Hosting Configuration

Fine-tuning hosting configurations for speed elevates website performance, guaranteeing swift and responsive user interactions.

What is WordPress speed optimization ( WPO )?

WPO (or Web Performance Optimisation), is the optimisation of the loading times of your web page or, in other words, improving the capacity of a web page to show all the content to the user in the shortest possible time.

A slow website can greatly reduce daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly web traffic rates due to a drop in organic search rankings, an increase in bounce rate, and even traffic loss.

As a Seo Freelance, I offer you WordPress speed optimisation service. This WPO service helps to speed up the performance of your WordPress website, improve user experience, reduce bounce rate and increase the conversion rate on your website.

With this WordPress Speed Optimization – WPO service, your website will get the perfect score in Google Pagespeed Insights and GTMetrix speed tests.

Freelance PageSpeed Insights

Page Speed Insights is a free tool offered by Google to webmasters with which the loading speed of a website can be measured and evaluated on a scale from 1 to 100, with 100 being the best possible result. CSS and JavaScript files, HTML code and images are checked. In addition to the analysis, Page Speed Insights also offers optimisation tips.

The speed of a website is one of the performance factors to look at when it comes to understanding how your website ranks in search engines. If your pages can load faster, this could have a positive effect on Google search rankings, which in turn improves the user experience.

WordPress Speed Optimization Service - The WPO process

I will start by checking the speed of your WordPress site, as well as other external factors (such as DNS hosting, website hosting, etc.).

Once I have reviewed your website, I will provide you with a quote. Once the quote is approved and the 50% upfront payment is made, I will need administrator access to your WordPress as well as access to the hosting.

At the end, we will perform the same speed tests, to demonstrate the improvement by comparing the before and after results. We can also provide any other possible tips for improvement.

Initial speed tests

I will run several speed tests that will give an indication of the current state of health of your website. These tests will be used as a benchmark to compare improvements at the end of the process.

Hosting / server check

I will review the hosting configuration and may suggest a change of hosting. Is it cheap and slow? Is it in the right location for your audience? Is it well configured? Does it work with the right resources for your website?

WP plugin review

I will review the WordPress plugins and there might be recommendations to reduce the number of plugins (especially those known to slow down your website).

Plugin and core updates

I will update plugins and WP core - if your plugins are seriously out of date, this can be a cause of slow sites (as well as being a security risk). In case you don't have the licenses, they are not included in the price.

Image optimisation

No quality reduction, lossless compression to optimise the images on your WordPress site.

Minifying/Combining JS and CSS

Minify and compress all scripts and styles, add expiry headers to local assets and move styles to the header and scripts to the footer.

Resources that block rendering

JS/CSS files, icon fonts and Google font code (with preloading) are moved where they do not slow down the loading time of the visual elements of the page.

Enabling GZIP compression

Gzip compression is enabled on your server, leading to less resource usage, reduced load times and an overall faster website.

WP cache configuration

Your cache plugin (along with your hosting) is one of the main factors in improving the speed of your site.

Frequently Asked Questions WordPress WPO Speed Optimisation

It depends on how much you care about your business. There are two main factors to speed up the loading of your website:

A slow website makes the user who is browsing it have a bad experience. The user may not come back, or may leave quickly without having seen what you were offering. You may lose customers.

Another very important factor is that a slow website does not rank as well in Google. Google likes fast websites. If your website does not load quickly you will lose positions compared to your competition.

See for yourself at:
PageSpeed Insights
Pingdom Website Speed Test

I need the access data for the complete hosting as well as the access data as administrator of your website.

Basic optimisation starts at 190£, but it depends on each website: if your WordPress is obsolete, requires updates, tweaking plugins or themes, hosting… the best thing to do is to contact me to give you a quote adapted to your website or online shop.

Every website is unique. Each site is built differently, hosted differently and may have different problems. Your website may be in better condition than another, and not need as much work to fix the problems. So you shouldn’t pay for services you don’t need.

It all depends on the state of your WordPress website, but the loading speed optimisation usually takes between 3 to 6 working days as long as the communication is smooth.

Every website is different, but my goal is a load time of less than 3 seconds. Most of the time a load time of less than 2 seconds. There are many factors that can vary a result. Plugins and templates you have installed and what resources they use, the server you have contracted…

If I don’t achieve acceptable Page Speed Insights values (PC version minimum 85, mobile version minimum 50 and Ping tools loading speed below 3 seconds, I will automatically refund your money. It’s as easy as that.

I will make the adjustments that the hosting allows me and I will ask the support for the ones I need. It is important to know before starting and passing the budget what kind of hosting you have contracted.

Yes, you will be able to continue working with the website as normal, as long as you do not install or uninstall plugins.

It is possible that at some point there may be an incompatibility with a plugin, but the website will not be down for more than 3 minutes.